QRV since 1985, ex Y76RL, ex NH7T (1998-2018).
I build and explore many things, do some contesting and need P5 in CW. HAM is just one of my hobbies.
Hilltop QTH Keulenberg DK0KC. 5 GHz link to home QTH.
Remote Setup: Flex, RF2KS SSPA, I3 mini PCs, some SDR (Pitayas, Kiwi, ELAD), Raspberries with OpenwebRX, ANT switching/housekeeping running NodeRed,
5/12/24 V PS. Ethernet, PS and mains with overvolt protection. Watt counters for the two used phases. 25 HE 19 Zoll pivoting rack. All work in progress :)
Summer House QTH, south edge of a forrest, 3 km from home QTH. Off grid, 3 kW solar power with 25 kWh Battery and Diesel backup, woodstove and well. Simple life, my favorit place.
Two 25 m Bundeswehr telescopic towers spaced 40 m with some km of radials in the ground.
Listening post at the duck pond at home QTH. Pretty quiet place, 100 m away from the houses. Some Skimmer and remote RX with a lot of wire antennas. Phased arrays during winter.
73, Rico